Cheaper is Always Better, Right?

Paying the rent is a box you have to check each month. Paying your employees is a box you have to check each month. Paying for SEO without any knowing what you’re paying for isn’t. Some vendors would have you believe SEO is a box to check, not a growth strategy tied to measurable goals.

buyer beware of cheap seoOne member of our Colorado SEO firm ended a chat-based customer support session and saw this message. Will you see better rankings by paying for this service? It’s possible, but how would you know? They aren’t starting a conversation about SEO goals, what you can expect to see in return or how long the commitment is. The implication is, ‘for $10.99 a month, how can you go wrong!’ They’re offering a box to check.

Do Your Homework

It can take time to find the right partner for an SEO or SEM effort, but not as long as you’d think. Learn about common tactics. Learn what potential vendors offer and ask them to explain why certain tactics are good strategy. You’ll learn quickly which vendors want to sell you a box to check and which ones want to create a partnership.

Is SEO A Good Idea Right Now?

A colleague used to build into her sales presentation, ‘If hiring us isn’t right for you, buy tacos. Tacos are always a good idea’. Yes, it’s cheeky, but the point is that while marketing is essential, it’s not a guarantee. If you have room in your budget to test a new traffic stream, let’s talk about it. If not, focus on the boxes you have to check, not the ones you think you should check but aren’t at the top of the list.

In this case, we’d suggest spending $10.99 on lunch out. At least you’ll know what you’re getting in return.