In a field which is internet based, in a time when everything relies on software, it seems like a silly question to ask, but here it is: Is internet marketing software worth it? Well, it depends a bit on what software you’re thinking of…or what software your internet marketing company is suggesting. Here are a […]
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These days it seems like there is a content management system (CMS) or a custom web development shop for every industry. In just the past year we’ve come across three or four website creation companies who claim to be built specifically for an industry or vertical. Companies in the market for a new site often […]
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We get a lot of questions about local search engine optimization, usually something along the lines of: “should I bother doing local search engine optimization?”. The answer is yes, and we’re not being glib or salesy by saying that. Local search engine optimization is for everyone…even if you don’t want your location visited, but first let’s […]
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