For anyone offering local search marketing services there should be a bright line between real local search engine reviews and fake ones…but whenever there is money on the line, someone is going to take a shortcut. Bending the rules online isn’t new, but what’s interesting in this case is: who condoned the cheating is and […]
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Anyone who works for an online marketing company has been asked this question. Should I put my budget toward PPC or organic rankings? Should I optimize my site for good SEO or focus on AdWords? Most online marketing agencies have evolved past the point of making a black and white argument for one or the […]
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Working in the Colorado SEO arena, we encounter plenty of businesses who operate physically in one town, but their customers may predominantly live in a larger town nearby like Boulder or Denver. One of the questions we hear all the time is: Should I be doing local search engine optimization if I’m outside my user […]
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