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Businesses with physical locations should consider local search engine optimization an essential arm of their online marketing strategy. Although it doesn’t always get as much press as other forms of online marketing, directing users to your businesses via local search engines can make or break an online strategy for brick and mortar businesses.

The big targets of local search optimization are of course, Google Maps and Google Places, Bing Local and Yahoo Local, but local search goes much deeper than the big three search engines. Businesses can optimize for the big three, or dozens of local search engines, but for most companies a targeted approach of claiming, optimizing and managing local search listings for six to twelve of the essential search engines in their industry will open new traffic streams and make their products and services a clear options for users.

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Eastern Star Marketing brings a staged approach to local search engine optimization. First, we arrive at a set of goals with each client and find the conversion types to best measure success. Then we choose the local search engines to achieve results on. The roster of search engines may be a mix of major engines like Google and Yelp, as well as industry specific engines like urbanspoon.

If you’re looking for better results in local search, get in touch with the team at Eastern Star Marketing and we’ll help you build and execute the right strategy to boost your local search engine results.